
2014. április 21., hétfő

Most company reports good numbers (2nd earnings week)

In this week Blogger watched the following companies.

  • Citigroup Inc (C) 
Citigroup beat Wall Street expectations Monday with $3.9 billion in Q1 earnings, or $1.23 a share, on revenues of $20.1 billion.
On an adjusted basis, the global bank's earnings were $4.1 billion, or $1.30 a share.
Analysts expected earnings per share of $1.14.
Share's price jumped.
I suggest this article for value investors about Citi.
  • J B Hunt Transport Services Inc (JBHT)
2014 net earnings was $68.7 million, or diluted earnings per share of 58 cents vs. first quarter 2013 net earnings of $73.3 million, or 61 cents per diluted share. Total operating revenue for the current quarter was $1.41 billion, compared with $1.29 billion for the first quarter 2013.
So revenue up 9% and operating income down 6%. 
Higer costs and lower profit due to extreme cold weather in January and February.
Price increased in the week.
  • Intel Corp (INTC)
The chip maker reported earnings of $0.38 per share, right in light with analysts' consensus estimate of $0.37 EPS. Revenues were $12.8 billion, sharply matching the $12.8 billion expected by analysts.
The company offered Q2 revenue guidance in the range of $12.5-13.5 billion versus consensus estimates of $12.9 billion.
Share price upped in the week.
  • Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
Company reported $18.1 billion in first quarter revenue, beating estimates of $17.99 billion and coming in 3.5% above the $17.5 billion reported for the first quarter of 2013. The company’s net income came in at $4.4 billion, a 7.8% increase over the same time last year and resulting in earnings of $1.54 per share, easily beating the analyst consensus of $1.48 in earnings per share. The company’s results were boosted by its worldwide pharmaceutical sales, which grew 10.8% to $7.5 billion.
  • The Coca-Cola Co (KO)
The soft drink giant's shares rose 3.8%. Coca-Cola posted first-quarter adjusted earnings of 44 cents, in line with estimates. Net operating revenues fell to $10.58 billion from $11.04 billion a year ago but still beat expectations.
Coke's world-wide unit-case soda volumes rose 2%--with sparkling beverage volume down 1%--in the first quarter, with flat volumes in North America, where sparkling beverage volume fell 1%. Nonsoda beverages--which include Minute Maid juice and Dasani water, among others--continued to be a bright spot in the quarter, with world-wide volume rising 8%. 
  • Yahoo! Inc (YHOO)
Marissa Mayer (CEO of Yahoo!) delivers a keynote
at the 2014 Int. CES in Las Vegas. - cnbc.com
Yahoo! reported on Tuesday its fiscal first-quarter earnings of 38 cents a share, excluding items, on revenue of $1.09 billion, compared with earnings of 38 cents per share on revenue of $1.07 billion during the same period a year ago.
Wall Street expected 37 cents per share EPS for the quarter ended March 31, 2014 on revenue of $1.08 billion.
Price leaped above $36. Investors' picture is positive.
  • Abbott Laboratories (ABT)
Abbott's Q1 profit fell 31.1% to $375 million, or 24 cents a share, as certain one-time costs ate away at its bottom line. EPS were 41 cents, down from 42 cents in the same period a year earlier but surpassing analysts estimations by 5 cents. Abbott's price upped on the week.
  • American Express Co (AXP)
The credit card company had its net income leap 12% in the first quarter of 2014, which was helped by higher spending by its cardholders even as cold.
Its net income rose to $1.43 billion or $1.33 per share in the three months ended March 31.
The company had its diluted earnings per share leap 16 percent to 1.33, up from $1.15 a year ago.
The company also had its revenue increase four percent to $8.2 billion compared to $7.88 billion the year before.
  • B&G Foods Inc (BGS) 
The company reported $0.34 EPS for the quarter, missing the analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.39 by $0.05. The company had revenue of $198.10 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $204.92 million. During the same quarter last year, the company posted $0.37 earnings per share. B&G Foods’s revenue was up 15.7% compared to the same quarter last year. 
  • Google Inc. (GOOG, GOOGL)
In mobile application revenue war Apple seems stronger than Google. - dazeinfo.com
The company recorded revenues and EPS – excluding stock-based compensation – of $15.4 billion and $6.27. Analysts expected $15.5 billion in revenues with EPS of $6.41. Google revenues increased 19% YoY, but operating margins declined by 2% due to an increase in both legal costs and expenses related to acquisitions and investments. The decline in CPC – the amount an advertiser pays for a click – is rampant across the industry because while smartphones increase the volume of paid clicks, they yield lower prices compared to desktops. Google is optimistic and believes that mobile pricing will be better than desktop pricing in the medium to long-term.
Share price sharply declined after report came out on Wednesday. On Thursday it has upped again.

  • SanDisk Corp (SNDK)
SanDisk's share price leaped 5.8% after company launced its quoterly financial numbers. Sales were $1.51 billion, a modest 1.3% above analyst projections. Nonetheless, non-GAAP earnings jumped 71% higher year over year, surging past analysts projected $1.25 per share to land at $1.44 per share.
  •  General Electric Co  (GE)
Operating earnings per share, which exclude pensions costs, were 33 cents in the first quarter of 2014, compared with analysts’ average expectation of 32 cents. Revenues were down 2% at $34.2billion, slightly below the average of analysts’ forecasts. Shares upped more than 2%. They have lagged slightly behind the S&P 500 index over the past year, rising 17% while the index is up 20%.
  • Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS)
The huge investment bank reported EPS of $4.02 vs analyst estimates of $3.48. Revenue came in at $9.33 vs expectations of $8.66 billion. Net revenues of $1.78 billion, which is the highest quarterly performance since 2007. On Thursday morning GS was trading up ~2% in the pre-market.
  • Mattel Inc (MAT)
Company's net loss for 2014Q1 totaled $11.2 million, or 3 cents per share. That compares with net income of $38.5 million, or 11 cents per share last year. Analysts expected earnings of 7 cents per share. Weak sales of Barbie and markdowns to clear out excess inventory left over from a sluggish holiday season led to an unexpected first-quarter loss. Share fell almost 5% in premarket trading on Thursday.
  • Morgan Stanley (MS)
Morgan Stanley (MS) reported a 55% jump in first-quarter earnings as higher revenue from the bank's institutional securities business augmented another strong quarter from wealth management. Morgan Stanley's shares rose 2.7 percent to $30.70 in pre-market trading on Thursday. The bank giant's net income applicable to the company of $1.45 billion, or 74 cents EPS, compared with $936 million, or 48 cents EPS, a year earlier. 
  • PepsiCo Inc (PEP)
Carbonated drink sales sharply falled in 2013.
The trend is continuing. - bidnessetc.com
Net income climbed to $1.22 billion from $1.08 billion a year ago (+13%), lifted by higher operating margins, fewer restructuring charges and a lower tax rate. Revenue inched higher to $12.62 billion from $12.58 billion, weighed down by weaker foreign currencies and divestments. Its global snack volumes rose 2% while drinks were flat from the year-earlier quarter. Price increases pushed up snack and drink revenue by 5% and 3%. PEP price could increase over the last week.
  • Snap-On Inc (SNA)
The tool maker reported strong first-quarter 2014 results with healthy growth in net sales and earnings. Net income for the reported quarter increased to $95.9 million or $1.62/s from $82.8 million or $1.40/s in the year-earlier quarter. Reported earnings exceeded theestimations of $1.55/s by 4.5%. Net sales of the company for the first quarter increased 6.2% year over year to $787.5 million. Analysts polled of $782 million.

2014. április 8., kedd

Ma jelent az Alcoa

Növekvő alumínium igény húzhatja felfelé az Alcoa (AA)
teljesítményét is - aec.org
Ma teszi közzé piac zárás után az Alcoa (AA) első negyedéves eredményeit. Hagyományosan az alumínium ipari gigász számaival indul az amerikai jelentési szezon. (Bár amióta a papír kikerült a DOW30 indexből és helyét a Nike (NKE) vette át, vannak, akik a Nike jelentését tekintik a kezdésnek.)
Az elemzők az Alcoa egy részvényére 5 cent eredményt várnak 5,573 milliárd dollár árbevétel mellett.

A héten jelentenek még (a Blogger által figyelt cégek a héten):

2014.04.08 (kedd):
  • Alcoa (AA)
  • WD-40 Co (WDFC)
2014.04.09 (szerda)
  • Bed Bath & Beyond Inc (BBBY)
  • Constellation Brands Inc (STZ)
  • Joe's Jeans Inc (JOEZ)
  • PriceSmart Inc (PSMT)
  • Ruby Tuesday Inc (RT)
2014.04.10 (csütörtök)
  • Family Dollar Stores Inc (FDO)
  • iGATE Corp (IGTE)
  • Rite Aid Corp (RAD)
2014.04.11 (péntek)
  • Fastenal Co (FAST)
  • JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM)
  • Wells Fargo & Co (WFC)

2014. április 5., szombat

Pénteki mészárszék - Black Friday

Komoly esés bontakozott ki tegnap az amerikai részvény tőzsdéken. A NASDAQ Comp. index pénteken 110 pontos zuhanást (-2,6%) maga mögött tudva, fejezte be a hetet. A zuhanásban élenjártak az ún. momentum részvények. Ezek közé főleg, de nem kizárólag, az internetes gigászok (GOOG, FB, AMZN), a biotech vállalatok (AMGN, GILD) tartoznak, de ide soroljuk a jó ideje hatalmas emelkedésben lévő elektromos autózással kapcsolatos vállalkozások is (TSLA, PLUG). 
A vezető részvények közül nem egy közel 5%-ot zuhant a nap folyamán, ami számos indexet és ETF-et rántott magával.
Pedig a nap nem indult rosszul! A hónap eslő péntekén szokásos munkaerő piaci adatok, bár elmaradtak a várttól, de sok elemző talált fontos pozitívumokat a részletekben és összességében az amerikai gazdaság növekedését erősítették. Igaz sokan az első negyedév számait elmaradónak látják a tavalyi eredményekhez képest, amit részben magyaráz a rendkívül hideg téli időjárás.
Az esés oka inkább abban keresendő, hogy ezek a papírok túl gyorsan jutottak túl magasra. A Facebook részvények ára például kevesebb mint 9 hónap alatt háromszorozódott meg. A Tesla 1 év alatt több mint négyszeresére ugrott.
A nagy befektetők profit realizálást indítottak el és az eladások széles körben bontakoztak ki a hightec papírok között. A folyamatot segítették az egyes szintekhez hozzákötött automatikus eladások. Ahogy a szintet elérte egy-egy papír, a számítógépek tömegével dobták piacra a részvényeket. A Nasdaq-on adtak szinte mindent, ami az elmúlt időszakban szépen emelkedett.
Tény, hogy a piaci indexek igen maasan voltak. A Nasdaq kivételével csúcsközelben.
Tény, hogy a FED folyamatosan csökkenti havi 10 milliárd dollárral a kötvényvásárlásait, tehát egyre kevesebb forró pénz jut a részvény piacokra is. Az eddigi magas kockázatvállalaási kedv, legalábbis elbizonytalanodni látszik.
Tény, hogy a FED kamatemelése már jövő évben várható, ami az eddigi 0%-os szintről bár milyen kicsi első emeléssel is hatalmas lépésnek számít majd. A közgazdászok többsége inkább a jövő év második felére tesz egy potenciális kamatemelést, de a várakozások nagyok. A túlfűtött momentum piac hűlni látszik.
A kövénypiaci ralli kibontakozása is oka lehetett a
hatalmas részvény áresésnek - marketwatch.com
Tény, hogy a részvénypiacon bekövetkezett mészárlással párhuzamosan az amerikai kötvénypiacon tegnap komoly ralli bontakozott ki. A 10 éves amerikai államkötvények hozam szintje a 2,8%-as szintekről tegnap 2,72%-ig estek. A részvénypiacokról kiáramlott pénz egy része a kötvény piacon landolt. A részvénypiaci esést az elindult kötvény ralli is elősegíthette.