
2013. november 29., péntek

Cryptocurrency boom

BTC/USD árfolyam - az ár november elejétől ugrott
- investing.com
A különböző cryptocurrency pénzek egyre inkább aranykorukat élik. Erről számos cikk jelent meg az utóbbi időben. Tegnap épp a SmartCommerce Blog tudatta, hogy a BitCoin átlépte a varázslatos $1000-os határt. A Bitcoin (BTC) árfolyama jelenleg meghaladta az arany unciánkénti árát, de ez főleg akkor "ijesztő", ha megnézzük, hogy az évet $13,55-on kezdte. A BTC ára november első napjaiban még csak alig valamivel $200 felett volt. Ma reggel $1241-on hagyta el a sárga fém árát. 
Egy másik hasonló termék a LiteCoin (LTC) árfolyama 3 nap alatt közel 400%-ot ugrott! (A különböző crypto-devizák kereszt-árfolyamait pl. itt nézheted meg.)
A hihetetlen ütemű kereslet mögött a hivatalos amerikai kormányzati szervek és a FED pálfordulása áll. Úgy tűnik a témával foglalkozó kongresszusi bizottság és a FED sem látja immár ördögtöl valónak a crypto-devizákat. (Ha nem tudod legyőzni, állj az élére! - jutott eszébe erről a Bloggernek.) A folyamat lényegében abba az irányba mutat, hogy be fognak kerülni a hivatalos kormányzati szervek által is elfogadott portékák közé, ami hatalmas keresletet indított el és ugrás szerűen növelte pár nap alatt az ilyen termékek árát az egekbe.
Blogger megjegyzései: 
  • Az árfolyam egyenlőre nagyon hektikus! Az elmúlt 24 órában ~20%-os változás is volt az árban! Csak a cikk írása közben $100 mozgás volt. (Most épp lefelé.) A Blogger szerint a BTC/USD jelenleg "feketeöves pálya" az átlag befektetőknek, de a profi daytrederek mekkája lehet, amíg ez így marad.
  • A crypto-devizák a Blogger számára (most, hogy kvázi legálissak lettek), sok szempontból nagyon hasonlónak tűnik az aranyhoz. A kormány szervek pálfordulása miatt a kereslet (és az ár) - a hyphe miatt is - egy ideig vélhetőleg felfele fog nyomulni. Még érdemes lehet spekulatíve beszállni! Az ár napról napra megy feljebb. Egy túllőtt szintről vélhetőleg korrigálni fog a BTC/USD (ki árazódik a hyphe hatás) és létrejöhet egy "normál" kereslet kínálati szint. Innentől a BTC iránt - vélhetőleg - akkor lesz nagyobb a kereslet, ha valami nagyobb gazdasági "para" lesz a világban. (Lásd pl. a ciprusi eseményekett korábban, ahol ugye a betétesek nem tudták kiutalni a pénzüket (amit egyáltalán ki tudtak venni a bankból) az országból a problémás időszakban és külföldre vinni, mert a külföldi tranzakciók nem mentek, de bitcoinra váltva pl. sokan biztonságba tudták tenni vagyonkájuk megmaradt részét.)
  • Az árfolyamot hosszú távon befolyásolhatja, hogy több fajta crypto-deviza van jelenleg is forgalomban (LiteCoin, NameCoin, DevCoin, IXCoin, PPCoin, TerraCoin, FreiCoin, PrimeCoin, FeatherCoin). A BitCoin csak a legismertebb verzió. Azonban, ha legálisak lesznek, gyorsan nőhet a konkurensek száma, ami a piacon lévő többi termék mögül vehet ki keresletet.
  • Szinte biztos, hogy az amerikai (és talán a többi ország) kormányzati szervei valamilyen (még nem létező) szabályozást akarnak majd tenni a crypto-devizák köré. Tehát bizonyos feltételeknek meg kell majd felelniük. Az adó elkerülés és a bűnözés, terrorizmus finanszírozása nyilván nem lehet elfogadott ... Ezt valamilyen módon majd meg akarják oldani. Mivel a megoldás még nem ismert, ez hozhat be némi kockázatot a hosszabb távon befektetőknek. (Főleg akik magas áron szállnak majd be.)
  • A crypto-devizák "működőképességének" fontos részei azok az elektronikus tőzsdék, ahol egyfelől eladó és vevő megtalálja egymást és kialakul az árfolyam. A hírtelen megnövekedett kereslet miatt korábban is volt már probléma a japán Mt Gox tőzsdével idén tavasszal, ami az akkor az árfolyamot is romba döntötte. A Blogger jelenleg úgy gondolja (bár ez csak sejtés), hogy a crypto-deviza tőzsdék infrastruktúrái még nem tartanak ott, hogy az elvárt működési biztonsággal működhessenek. Akár egy cyber támadásra, akár egy hirtelen megnövekedett terhelésre, akár más üzemeltetési probléma vélhetőleg ezen intézmények infrastuktúrái nem felkészültek minden szempontból. - Már csak az idő rövidsége miatt sem. Egy nagy tőzsde műszaki összeomlása belökheti az árat és erodálhatja a bizalmat a deviza iránt.
  • Aki csak az árfolyamra szeretne spekulálni nem feltétlenül kell effektíve crypto-devizákat vásárolnia! Egyenlőre a BitCoin-nak van már opciós piaca.

2013. november 28., csütörtök


Esik a világpiacon a kőolaj ára. Az ok nem csak a Genfben minap megkötött megállapodás Iránnal, mely jelentősen csökkenti egy közeli NATO támadás esélyét, hanem a fokozottabb kitermelés által jelentős mértékben megnövekedett amerikai készlet adatok is. A WTI ára $91,85-ig esett a szerdai kereskedésben, majd némileg korrigált a nap végére. A Blogger az olaj árát alacsonyan, de akár a jelenlegi szintnél még lejebb el tudja képzelni a jövőben. Az egyezmény nyomán még több iráni kőolaj kerülhet a piacra és egy potenciális feszültséget elkezdett kiárazni a piac. A WTI esetében a meghatározó iránymutató a hetente, szerdán érkező készlet adatok maradnak.

    Marc Faber - Bloomberg.com
Mark Faber elpazarolt évtizedről beszél egy interjúban. A neves befektető szerint az amerikai gazdaság ugyan elkezdett kilábalni, de nincs még elég jól. Szerinte a pénznyomtatás folytatódni fog nem csak amerikában, de mindenhol máshol is. A kulcs kéréds az amerikai költségvetés stabilizálása marad. Mark dollárban el tud képzelni ugyan rövidebb rallit, de inkább lefelé várja az amerikai deviza értékét. A készpénz (USD) helyett pedig továbbra is a részvényeket tartja vonzónak. (Az interjú egy részében az ázsiai térség részvény befektetési potenciáljára hívja fel a figyelemet.) A Guru a nemesfémek áremelkedésében hisz. Az interjúban pedig kritikusan fogalmaz a FED politikájával kapcsolatban. A Blogger a nemesfém árát inkább lefelé várja a többi meghatározó commodity termékkel egyetemben. A többi pontban viszont teljes az egyetértésem Markkal.

A Goldman Sachs elkezdte közzétenni a jövő évre vonatkozó jóslatait: a bank 2014-re favorizálja a tartós fogyasztási cikkeket előállító amerikai vállalatokat, az ipari és IT cégeket, de alul súlyozásra ajánlja az FMCG cégeket, a telco és a közmű cégeket. A Goldman's Hedge Fund Monitor, mely 783 hedge found tevékenységét monitorozza, egy közelmúltban közzétett publikációja szerint az alapok leginkább ezen cégek esésre számítanak pozícióik alapján (fordított sorrendben): SYY, KO, TGT, BMY, SNDK, UPS, SLB, GE, CVX, PFE, CAT, COP, EMC, PG, NFLX, WMT, JNJ, DIS, CRM, VZ, IBM, XOM, T, GILD, INTC; Míg leginkább a következő részvények emelkedését várják: AN, STZ, JCP, FDO, THC, HRB, BEAM, MU, NWSA, VRSN, CBG, NFLX, GT, TSO, ETFC, MSI, WPX, WYN, HES, CCI.

2013. november 10., vasárnap

Earnings calendar for 46th week

11.11.2013, Monday:
  • Cray Inc
  • UniCredit SpA
12.11.2013, Tuesday: 
  • Dean Foods Co (DF)
  • Vodafone Group PLC
12.11.2013, Wednesday:
  • Canadian Solar Inc (CSIQ)
  • Hochtief AG
  • Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
  • London Stock Exchange Group PLC
  • Macy's Inc (M)
  • NetApp Inc (NTAP)
  • Pinnacle Foods Inc (PF)
13.11.2013, Thusday:
  • Applied Materials Inc (AMAT)
  • RWE AG
14.11.2013, Friday:
  • Phoenix Companies Inc (PNX)

Tesla's share price tumbled - Tree.com stared

Issues and numbers of some company launched its earnings report on this week.

American Water Works Company, Inc. (AWK) reported Q32013 earnings from continuing operations of 84 cents/share, missing the estimations by a penny. Quarterly earnings were 2.3% lower than the year-ago figure. The disappointing performance was primarily due to lower-than-normal weather conditions, and an increase in depreciation expenses as well as general taxes. The company’s operating revenues were $829.2 million. It also missed the preliminary estimations by $33.8 million. On a year-over-year basis, revenues edged down 0.3% from $831.8 million. Paper's price upped on Friday after a sliding.

CME Group (CME) is in a strong bullish mood after its report. The financial services company reported Q3 2013 operating earnings per share of 75 cents. Results comfortably surpassed the analysts poll of 73 cents and the year-ago quarter figure of 66 cents. Total revenues climbed 4.6% year over year to $714.6 million and were almost in line with the polled of $714 million. The year-over-year growth resulted primarily from an accretion in clearing and transaction fees due to incremental volumes within interest rate, equity, energy, metal commodity and option products. However, lower average rate per contract as well as deteriorated revenues from market data and information services along with access and communication fees partially offset the upside. CME Group’s average daily volume jumped 11% year over year to 12.0 million contracts in the reported quarter, primarily driven by growth across the Asian, U.S, European and Latin American markets.

California Water Service Group (CWT) announced Q3 2013 adj EPS of 61 cents/share, surpassing the preliminary estimations of 52 cents by 17.3%. Price continued its uptrend. The major challenge ahead for water utility operators in the U.S. is the aging water and sewer infrastructure. Maintenance and development of facilities play a crucial role and will test the financial capabilities of these water utilities.

Bloomin' Brands Inc (BLMN) had a wild Wednesday, in reaction to its Q3 results from late Tuesday. The operator of Outback Steakhouse and other restaurants earned 10 cents a share in the latest quarter, up 25% from a year ago. Bloomin' Brands matched expectations. Thanks mostly to new store openings, sales edged up 2% to $967.6 million, missing views. It opened 51 new restaurants in the quarter. The company has a long streak of single-digit top-line gains. BLMN has jumped 27% since finding support at its 200-day moving average in October.

Fiesta Restaurant Group Inc (FRGI) is the owner, operator, and franchisor of the Pollo Tropical and Taco Cabana fast-casual restaurant brands, reported results Q3 2013. Fiesta's total revenues increased 9.8% to $140.7 million, compared to $128.2 million in the prior year period. Net income also increased 38.2% to $5.0 million, or $0.21/share, compared to net income of $3.6 million, or $0.16/share, in the third quarter of 2012. Comparable restaurant sales jumped 6.5% at Pollo Tropical and 1.8% at Taco Cabana and 4 new Pollo Tropical restaurants were opened in the quarter. Comperable restaurant guest traffic increased 3.2% at Pollo Tropical and decreased 0.1% at Taco Cabana. The company is in Zacks Investment Research's "3 Superstar Spin-Offs".

Papa John's International Inc (PZZA) third-quarter earnings of 64 cents/share, missed analysts' estimation of 66 cents by 3.03% due to higher costs. However, quarterly earnings were up 18.5% from the comparable year-ago quarter’s earnings of 54 cents. Total revenue increased 6.4% year over year to $346.3 million, led by higher comparable restaurant sales growth in the domestic as well as international markets, increased sales at the company-owned units, improved franchise royalties and unit expansion. However, revenues missed the polled $348 million by 0.6%. The pizza restaurant chain share price declined nearly 2% after report came out, but the share could up again and finished the week on $76.08. Blogger guess that the price's rising trend will continue.

Fossil Group Inc (FOSL) reported net income of $89.7 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2013, compared to $76.8 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2012. Adj. EPS grew 25% to $1.58, compared to $1.26 for the prior fiscal year's third quarter. The Company's third quarter fiscal 2013 results include about $20 million in sales related to shipments which the Company had previously expected to deliver in the fourth quarter. Fossil Group also deferred about $5 million in anticipated Q3 expenses into the fourth quarter of fiscal 2013. The Company estimated that the combined favorable impact related to these items on the current quarter's net income and diluted earnings per share were about $11 million and $0.19, respectively. 

Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA) earned 12 cents a share on $603 million in revenue, as the company delivered 5,500 Model S units during the quarter. Gross margins, excluding Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) credits were 21% during the quarter, getting closer to the company's goal of 25%.
Analysts were expecting Tesla to report earnings of 11 cents a share on $534.64 million in revenue. Tesla expects to deliver slightly under 6,000 Model S vehicles in Q4, which increases our total expected deliveries to 21,500 vehicles worldwide for 2013. Shares fell 12% in after-hours trading as investors worried the luxury electric car maker’s outlook for revenue and profit fell short.

Zillow Inc (Z) reported Q3 2013 net loss of 11 cents per share, narrower than analysts' estimation of a loss of 18 cents/share. However, results were highly unfavorable when compared to year-ago net earnings of 7 cents per share. Substantial increase in expenses mainly led to the downside. However, share price moved up 1.3% to close at $82.31 yesterday given that the company reported a lower-than-expected loss. Including a one-time tax benefit of $4.3 million related to an acquisition, net loss came in at 3 cents per share, comparing unfavorably with 7 cents earned in the year-ago quarter. Total revenues increased 67% year over year to $53.3 million. This was driven by solid improvement in marketplace revenues (up 73%) and display revenues (up 50%). Total revenues also surpassed the anaysts' poll of $52 million.

Mondelez International Inc (MDLZ)  third-quarter earnings climbed 57%. Company's Q3 adj earnings of 41 cents/share were in line with the analysts' estimation. Net revenue in the quarter increased 1.8% year over year to $8.47 billion. Revenues missed the estimations of $8.55 billion by almost 1.0%. 
Revenues from emerging markets were up 10.7% as strong performance in Russia, India and Brazil made up for weakness in China. Revenues declined in double digits in China due to economic slowdown and weak biscuits performance. On the other hand, revenues in developed markets grew 1.8% as North America and Europe performed well in the quarter.
Among the food categories, biscuits and chocolates were up in the quarter, while the gum/candy and coffee businesses were down. The company’s gum business has been down since the last few quarters, mainly in the developed nations.
Mondelez’s Power Brands grew 6.9% in the quarter driven by brands like Tuc, Club Social, belVita and Barni biscuits and Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka and Lacta chocolates.

SolarCity Corp (SCTY): Shares fell 7.4% to $55.24 on heavy volume. The company forecast an adjusted loss of 55 cents to 65 cents for the fourth quarter, while analysts expect a loss of 53 cents a share. For the third-quarter, SolarCity reported an adjusted loss of 43 cents a share on revenue of $48.6 million. Analysts expected a loss of 48 cents on revenue of $42.7 million.

Tree.com Inc (TREE) reported Q3 EPS of $0.03, $0.15 worse than the analyst estimate of $0.18. Revenue for the quarter came in at $37.3 million versus the consensus estimate of $33.75 million. Sees FY2013 revenue of $135-138 million, versus the consensus of $131.45 million. Price is up 

Walt Disney Co (DIS) reported $0.77 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.75 by $0.02. The company had revenue of $11.57 billion for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $11.40 billion. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.68 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was up 7.3% on a year-over-year basis. Shares of Walt Disney traded up 1.36% during mid-day trading on Friday, hitting $68.0664.
Analysts at Wells Fargo & Co. reiterated an “outperform” rating on shares. They have a $77.00 price target on the stock. The stock has an average rating of “Buy” and an average target price of $73.15.

Stratasys Ltd (SSYS) reported $0.45 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.42 by $0.03. The company had revenue of $126.10 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $117.13 million. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted $0.40 earnings per share. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 38.7% on a year-over-year basis. Stratasys updated its FY13 guidance to $1.75-1.90 EPS.
Analysts at Piper Jaffray set a $131.00 price target on shares. The company presently has a consensus rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of $108.27.
Shares of SSYS traded up 0.76% during mid-day trading on Friday, hitting $119.049.

The Wendy's Co (WEN) reported $0.08 EPS for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimation of $0.06 by $0.02. The company had revenue of $640.80 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $645.44 million
Analysts at Deutsche Bank raised their price target on shares of The Wendy’s from $7.00 to $8.00 in October. They now have a “hold” rating on the stock. The Wendy’s presently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of $7.28. 

J&J Snack Foods Corp (JJSF) reported a 2 percent decrease in sales for the period but a 4 percent jump for the year. The last 13 weeks of the fiscal year had sales of $237.9 million, down from $242.2 million in last year’s fourth quarter; sales for the year rose to $867.7 million from $830.8 million in 2012. Price slipped on 2nd half of the week more than $2.

Ralph Lauren Corp (RL)'s second-quarter EPS of $2.23 surpassed the analysts' estimation of $2.20. However, quarterly earnings witnessed a 2.6% decline from $2.29 earned in the year-ago period primarily due to weak margins. Net revenue increased 2.9% year over year to $1,915 million, almost in line with preliminary polls of $1,916 million. The year-over-year growth was primarily driven by improved performance across the company’s wholesale and retail segments. Price rose nearly 5.5%  after the company announced better-than-expected second-quarter fiscal 2014 bottom-line results, provided upbeat revenue guidance and raised its quarterly cash dividend.

Neenah Paper Inc (NP) reported $0.61 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.62 by $0.01. The company had revenue of $214.10 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $212.30 million. Price downed more than a dollar in the end of the week.

Annie's Inc (BNNY) reported $0.32 EPS for the quarter, beating analysts' poll of $0.29 by $0.03. The company had revenue of $58.70 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $57.12 million. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted $0.24 earnings per share. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 25.7% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts predict that Annie’s Inc will post $0.98 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. 
Price leaped after report issued. The stock currently has a consensus rating of Hold and an average target price of $44.14.

51job Inc (JOBS) a leading provider of integrated human resource services in China. Profit rises 4%. Fully diluted EPS were RMB1.95 (US$0.64 per ADS). Total revenues increased 12.3% over Q3 2012 to RMB419.6 million (US$68.6 million), within the Company's guidance range. Price tumbled after Morgan Stanley cut its rating on 51job to the equivalent of sell, saying the online human resources company’s stock is trading at expensive valuations following better-than-estimated profit.

Health Care REIT Inc (HCN) reported $0.97 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.96 by $0.01. The company had revenue of $786.93 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $635.72 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.91 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was up 70.4% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts predict that Health Care REIT will post $3.78 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. Price went down all week

2013. november 3., vasárnap

Earnings calendar for 45th week

Companies below will be publishing their quarterly earnings numbers from Bloggers watch-list on 45th week:

04.11.2013, Monday:
  • American States Water Co (AWR)
  • Biospecifics Technologies Corp (BSTC)
  • CapLease Inc (LSE)
  • CME Group Inc (CME)
  • Connecticut Water Service Inc (CTWS)
  • Consolidated Water Co Ltd (CWCO)
  • Diamondback Energy Inc (FANG)
  • Dillard's Inc (DDS)
  • Dun & Bradstreet Corp (DNB)
  • Hertz Global Holdings Inc (HTZ)
  • HFF Inc (HF)
  • Kellogg Co (K)
  • NYSE Euronext (NYX)
  • Office Depot Inc (ODP)
  • RigNet Inc (RNET)
  • Safe Bulkers Inc (SB)
  • Sykes Enterprises Inc (SYKE)
  • Tidewater Inc (TDW)
  • Zogenix Inc (ZGNX)
05.11.2013, Tuesday:
  • Amdocs Ltd (DOX)
  • AOL Inc (AOL)
  • Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
  • Beiersdorf AG
  • Bloomin' Brands Inc (BLMN)
  • California Water Service Group (CWT)
  • BioTelemetry Inc (BEAT)
  • Dominion Resources Inc (D)
  • Fiesta Restaurant Group Inc (FRGI)
  • Fossil Group Inc (FOSL)
  • Health Care REIT Inc (HCN)
  • Papa John's International Inc (PZZA)
  • Renewable Energy Group Inc (REGI)
  • Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA)
  • WageWorks Inc (WAGE)
  • Zillow Inc (Z)
 06.11.2013, Wednesday:
  • 51job Inc (JOBS)
  • Activision Blizzard Inc (ATVI)
  • Checkpoint Systems Inc (CKP)
  • Chesapeake Energy Corp (CHK)
  • Genpact Ltd (G)
  • Humana Inc (HUM)
  • Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc (MMC)
  • Mondelez International Inc (MDLZ)
  • Neenah Paper Inc (NP)
  • Qualcomm Inc (QCOM)
  • Ralph Lauren Corp (RL)
  • SolarCity Corp (SCTY)
  • Sunedison Inc (SUNE)
  • Time Warner Inc (TWX)
  • VimpelCom Ltd (VIP)
  • YY Inc (YY)
07.11.2013, Thursday:
  • adidas AG
  • AES Corp (AES)
  • Annie's Inc (BNNY)
  • Deutsche Telekom AG
  • Flowers Foods Inc (FLO)
  • Heidelbergcement AG
  • J&J Snack Foods Corp (JJSF)
  • Natural Gas Services Group Inc (NGS)
  • Pixelworks Inc (PXLW)
  • Prosafe SE
  • Siemens AG
  • Stratasys Ltd (SSYS)
  • Swisscom AG
  • Telecom Italia SpA
  • The Wendy's Co (WEN)
  • TheStreet Inc (TST)
  • Tom Tailor Holding AG
  • Towers Watson & Co (TW)
  • Tree.com Inc (TREE)
  • TreeHouse Foods Inc (THS)
  • Walt Disney Co (DIS)
  • Westar Energy Inc (WR)
  • York Water Co (YORW)
 08.11.2013, Friday:
  • Allianz SE
  • Ebix Inc (EBIX)
  • Telefonica SA
  • Mobile Mini Inc (MINI)

MasterCard stared the market

Blogger mainly focused on company reports listed below on crowded 44th week.

Apple (AAPL): Apple reports FQ4 EPS $8.26 vs analysts polled $7.92. EPS decreased with 8,5% comapre to same period's EPS in last year. Revenue grew 4% to $37.5B vs expected $36.8B. Q42012 revenue was only $36B. The company said it shipped 33.8 million iPhone units during the period; analysts were expecting some 32 million units. Price decreased after release because investors were worry about continuously decreasing earnings. Experts thinks that FQ1 EPS will break this trend because of new iPhones and tablets. Sales in China will be a key factor in next quoter's numbers.

Burger King Worldwide (BKW): Company reported $275.1 million in third quarter revenue, a 40% decrease over this time last year but beating analyst predictions of $267 million. Despite this decrease, profit increased 32.7% to $81.1 million, or 23 cents/share, beating analysts prediction of 21 cents/share. A sharp drop in operating expenses, which fell over 64% due to cost management and a global refranchising work. On a global level, sales grew a total of 0.9%! Price sharply went up in aftermarket on Monday.

The global nutrition company Herbalife (HLF) posted adjusted EPS of $1.41 per share on revenue of $1.2 billion. It was expected to report $1.14 per share EPS for its third quarter, on revenue of $1.195 billion. Company also raised its fiscal year 2013 adj EPS guidance to a range of $5.19 to $5.23. It introduced fiscal year 2014 guidance in the range of $5.45 to $5.65 EPS.
Shares of Herbalife were up 0.7% on Monday evening at $68.36. It had climbed more than 4% in the aftermarket.

Seagate Technology (STX) shares fell 3.9% to $47.89 in Monday after-hours. The company reported adj EPS of $1.29 on revenue of $3.49B for its first quarter. Analysts polled $1.31/share on revenue of $3.56B. Seagate’s board of directors also approved an increase in the quarterly cash dividend to 43 cents per share this quarter, up 5 cents from 38 cents per share in the previous quarter. Price went down in Monday aftermarket.

Texas Roadhouse (TXRH) reported $0.24 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.25 by $0.01. The company had revenue of $334.80 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $338.63 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.25 earnings per share. On average, analysts predict that Texas Roadhouse will post $1.13 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.  Deutsche Bank upped TXRH's price target  from $24.00 to $27.00 but remained the hold rating on the stock. Price slided on the week.

US Ecology Inc (ECOL) reported $0.53 EPS for the quarter, beating the estimations of $0.46 by 7 cents. The company had revenue of $53.10 million for the quarter, compared to the analysts' estimation of $48.90 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.44 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was up 16.2% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts predict that US Ecology will post $1.58 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. Price sharply upped to $38 on Monday aftermarket then slipped all week long and finished the Friday on $36.51. 
US Ecology had its target price lifted by Wunderlich from $33.00 to $38.00 on Tuesday. They currently have a buy rating on the stock. Previously, analysts at Zacks downgraded shares of company from an outperform rating to a neutral rating on October 16th. They now have a $33.90 price target on the stock.

1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (FLWS) reported $0.07 EPS for the quarter, meeting the analysts’ estimation of $0.07. The company had revenue of $123.00 million for the quarter, compared to the analysts' poll of $182.00 million. During the same quarter last year, the company posted $0.07 earnings per share. 1-800-Flowers.com’s revenue was up 2.8% compared to the same quarter last year. Price sharply downed on Tuesday morning. 
Analysts at Brean Capital upgraded shares of 1-800-Flowers.com from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note to investors on  October 1st. Analysts at Benchmark Co. reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of 1-800-Flowers.com in a research note to investors on Friday, August 30th. The company presently has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of $7.00.

3D Systems Corp (DDD) reported $0.26 EPS for the quarter, meeting the estimations of $0.26. The company had revenue of $135.70 million for the quarter, compared to the market's consensus of $132.04 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.32 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was up 49.9% on a Y/Y basis. Analysts expect that 3D Systems Corp. will post $1.01 EPS for the current fiscal year. 
Analysts at Piper Jaffray reiterated a hold rating on shares of 3D Systems on Monday. They now have a $61.00 price target on the stock. Meanwhile analysts at Brean Capital raised their price target on shares to $70.00 on Monday. Finally, analysts at Maxim Group raised their price target on shares of DDD from $56.00 to $67.00 on Monday. They now have a buy rating on the stock. 
The stock currently has an average rating of Buy and an average price target of $59.64.

Baidu Inc (BIDU): Analysts polled EPS estimation $1.43. The market's estimation remains unchanged over the past month. For the fiscal year, analysts are projecting earnings of $4.93 per share. For the year, revenue is projected to roll in at $30.92 billion. TheStreet Quant Ratings rates Baidu as a buy. 

Buffalo Wild Wings (BWLD) Q32013 earnings of 95 cents per share beat the market estimations of 86 cents by 10.5% and the comparable year-ago quarter’s earnings of 57 cents by 66.7%. The company’s higher top line and lower cost of sales percentage backed the earnings growth.
Total revenue increased 27.9% year over year to $315.8 million, surpassing the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $312 million by 1.2%. Higher restaurant sales and solid unit growth drove the revenues during the quarter. 
Buffalo Wild Wings, which is popular among sports fans for its dine-and-watch-games facility, registered company-owned comps growth of 4.8% in the third quarter, lower than the year-ago quarter’s same-store sales of 6.2%. However, comps in the quarter were higher than the second quarter’s comps of 3.8%. Franchise royalties and fees increased 9% year over year to $20.1 million, led by 23 new restaurants in operation by the quarter-end and 3.9% rise in franchise same-store sales.

Deutsche Bank AG reported net income of €51 million ($67.5 million) in the third quarter of 2013, down from €754 million ($998.6 million) in the prior-year quarter. The company reported $0.08 earnings per share for the quarter. Results suffered due to litigation related expenses. The disappointing performance resulted from rise in expenses and lower revenues. However, improved provisions for credit losses and a strong capital position were the positives. Analysts at Equinet Institutional Services downgraded share from an “accumulate” rating to a “hold” on October 22. Morover analysts at Macquarie downgraded shares of Deutsche Bank from a “neutral” rating to an “underperform” previously in October. Finally, analysts at Zacks upgraded share from a “neutral” to an “outperform” on October 7.

LinkedIn Corp (LNKD) reported $0.39 EPS for the quarter, beating the analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.32 by $0.07. The company had revenue of $393.00 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $385.57 million. During the same quarter last year, the company posted $0.22 earnings per share. LinkedIn Corp.’s revenue was up 56.0% compared to the same quarter last year. On average, analysts predict that LinkedIn Corp. will post $1.60 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. Canaccord Genuity rised its price target from $230.00 to $270.00 on Wednesday.
Analysts at SunTrust reiterated a neutral rating on shares of LNKD on Wednesday. They now have a $250.00 price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at RBC Capital raised their price target on shares of LinkedIn Corp. from $210.00 to $240.00 on Wednesday. They now have a sector perform rating on LNKD. Analysts at Jefferies Group reiterated a buy rating on shares of LinkedIn Corp. in a research note to investors on Wednesday. They now have a $280.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $255.00.

Mueller Water Products (MWA) reported $0.08 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts’ estimation of $0.07 by $0.01. The company had revenue of $293.20 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $299.45 million. During the same quarter last year, the company posted $0.03 earnings per share. Mueller Water Products’s revenue was up 4.3% compared to the same quarter last year. Analysts expect that Mueller Water Products will post $0.31 EPS for the current fiscal year. The company recently declared a quarterly dividend of $0.02 per share. This represents a $0.07 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 0.82%.
The company presently has an average rating of “Buy” and an average target price of $8.67.
Mueller Water Products, Inc is a manufacturer and marketer of products and services used in the transmission, distribution and measurement of water.

Waste Management Inc (WM): reported net income of $291 million or 62 cents per share in the Q32013 improved from $214 million or 46 cents per share in the year-ago quarter. The increase in earnings was driven by increasing internal revenue growth from yield and controlling costs.
Adj. EPS 65 cents in the quarter vs 61 cents in the year-ago quarter. It is better than estimated 62 cents. Waste Management currently has a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell).

Boston Beer Co Inc (SAM) reported $1.89 EPS for the quarter, beating the analysts' poll of $1.82 by $0.07. The company had revenue of $216.40 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $200.42 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $1.53 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was up 30.0% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts predict that Boston Beer will post $5.34 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.  Boston Beer currently has a consensus rating of Hold and an average price target of $192.87.

YELP Inc (YELP) reported EPS is -4 cents on revenue of $61.2 million. Analysts expected EPS of -1 cent on revenue of $59.41 million. In the last year, Yelp has seen a dramatic increase in its stock price. Last year at this time Yelp was valued at $24. Right now, it's just under $70!
The company presently has an average rating of Hold and a consensus target price of $60.76. However loss was bigger than expected, sales increased. Price upped just below $70 and finished the week on $67.15.

Edgewater Technology Inc (EDGW) reported $0.14 EPS for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.10 by $0.04. The company had revenue of $25.40 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $26.80 million. Analysts expect that Edgewater Technology will post $0.26 EPS for the current fiscal year.Company was upgraded by analysts at TheStreet from a “hold” rating to a “buy”. The revenue growth came in higher than the industry average of 20.1%. Price upped.

Facebook Inc (FB) reported a much higher-than-expected third-quarter profit of 25 cents a share (analysts polled 19 cents EPS) on revenues up 60% from a year ago, to $2.02 billion. Revenue from advertising is $1.80B, up 66% from last year. 49% of advertising revenue during the third quarter (up from 14% in Q3 2012) was the Mobile Ad Revenue. Number of monthly active users grew 45% year-over-year to 874 million. Average revenue per user, is up to $1.72.

Franklin Electric Co Inc (FELE) reported record Q3 earnings of $25.1M, or 51 cents/ diluted share,  which is a 15% rise in comparison to  the $21.9M, or 46 cents / share, that was posted in the 2012 Q3. The company also reported Q3 sales of $249.8M, a 5 % rise over the 2012 Q3.
Company along with its subsidiaries, is involved in the designing & manufacturing as well as distribution of water & fuel-pumping systems. It manufactures pumps, submersible motors, electronic-controls and related parts & equipment.

Kona Grill Inc (KONA) reported $0.08 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts’ expectation of $0.07 by $0.01. The company had revenue of $24.51 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $24.16 million. During the same quarter last year, the company posted $0.16 earnings per share. Kona Grill’s revenue was up 2.6% compared to the same quarter last year.
 Analysts at Imperial Capital downgraded shares of Kona Grill from an “outperform” rating to an “in-line”. Analysts at Imperial Capital downgraded shares of Kona Grill from an “outperform” rating to an “in-line”. Company owns and operates 24 upscale casual dining restaurants in 15 states, in the United States.

Starbucks Corp (SBUX) is one of the Blogger's most favoured share on the week.
Company came out on top, posting a Q4 EPS of $0.63 versus the Street estimate of $0.60. This is a 37 percent increase from where the company's EPS was during the year-ago period. It also set a new record for Starbucks. Revenue came in at $3.8 billion versus the Street estimate of $3.81 billion. Sales were up 13 percent year-over-year. Starbucks expects to report a first-quarter EPS between $0.67 and $0.69 vs the Street estimate of $0.57. Starbucks has performed very well this year, rising more than 44 percent.

Visa Inc (V): For the fourth quarter, Visa’s net income was down 28.3% to $1.2 billion. Earnings per share were $1.86, down from $2.48 during the same period last year. Both net income and earnings matched consensus estimates. Net operating revenue increased 3% from the same period last year to $3 billion. Payment volume, or the value of consumer transactions using Visa products, grew 13% for the quarter to $1.1 trillion. Revenue on services were up 10% to $1.4 billion. Share price went below $200.

First Solar Inc (FSLR), a thin-film solar panel maker — earned far more than expected, banking an adjusted profit of $2.28 per share in the third quarter, better than the year-ago figure and estimate of $1. The First Solar earnings report also indicated sales growth of more than 50%, with a top line of $1.27 billion vs. just $839 million for the same period last year. That FSLR revenue number was also better than the expected $989 million in revenue. Price sharply leaped just below $60/share.
In the biggest global solar panel manufacturers pie FSLR has 4% - qz.com

Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc (LECO) reported $0.86 EPS for the quarter, beating analysts poll of $0.84 by $0.02. The company had revenue of $691.90 million for the quarter, compared to the market's estimation of $702.60 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.80 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was down 8% on a year-over-year basis. Price upped to above $70.

Telenor posted its Q32013 earnings numbers on Thursday morning. Norwegian telecom giant reported that its third-quarter pretax profit increased to NOK 6.35 billion, from NOK 5.61 billion, prior year. Profit after taxes and non-controlling interests increased to NOK 3.92 billion, from NOK 3.65 billion, prior year. Basic earnings per share from total operations was NOK 2.59, compared to NOK 2.34 prior year. Revenues increased to NOK 25.95 billion, from NOK 25.25 billion, prior year. More details

MasterCard (MA) reported third-quarter 2013 operating earnings per share of $7.27. The results significantly outpaced the analysts expectations of $6.95 and the year-ago quarter figure of $6.17. Net revenues surged 15.6% year over year and 15% on constant currency basis to $2.22 billion, also exceeding the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.13 billion. The upside was primarily due to a 16% rise in the number of processed transactions to 10.0 billion along with a 19% increase in cross-border volumes. Share price increased.

2013. november 1., péntek

Német ingatlan piac: nincs buborék

Bő egy héttel ezelőtt a Bundes Bank kiadott egy figyelmeztetést a német lakásárak nagy ütemű növekedéséről és szinte riadót fújt egy új potenciális ingatlan buborékra vonatkozóan. A hírrel több nemzetközi és hazai gazdasági sajtó termék (pl. WSJ online) is foglalkozott akkor.

Német ingatlan árak alakulása, Berlinben a legnagyobb az ugrás - sueddeutsche.de
A minap olvastam egy nagyon jó összefoglalót Zsiday Viktort blogján, melyet az említett hír kapcsán tett közzé a neves hazai guru. Ennek lényege, hogy Németországban a német emberek "zsebében" az elmúlt években (a német versenyképesség javítása miatt) kevesebb pénz mardt. Aminek hatására az ingatlan árak is elmaradtak más európai országok ingatlan áraihoz, illetve azok növekedéséhez képest. Miután a válság alatt és után mindenki Németországba hordta a pénzét és az EUR kamat is alacsony, így az ország dúskál a pénzben, amiből több jut bérekre és olcsó hitelekre is. Olcsó tehát jelzálog hitelt felvenni és nő a kereslet ismét az ingatlan tekintetében. (Ez egyébként az ottani piacon fontos bérleti díjakat is lassan emeli. - Blogger) Az ár növekedés így nem buborék, hanem inkább a korábbi lemaradás behozása. Viktor szerint a trend nem is fog mostanában megállni, hiszen európai összehasonlításban a német igatlan árak még mindíg olcsók.

Érdemes lehet befektetői szemmel is elmélázni ezen a helyzeten. Vajon milyen ágazatoknak, papíroknak kedvez a trend? Természetesen az egyik szegmens a német építőipar lehet, a másik az ingatlan kereskedelem és ingatlan bérbeadás. A Bloggernek a szektoron belül a következő nagy német tőzsdén jegyzett vállalatok jutnak eszébe: az építőipari cégek közül: InCity AG, Hochtief (bár ez utóbbinak bevételei inkább globálisak); az ingatlan kezelő, bérbeadó vállalatok közül: Deutsche Wohnen, Deutsche Annington, Gagfah, GSW Immobilien (mely hamarosan fúzionál a Deutsche Wohnen-nel), TAG Immobilien, LEG Immobilien.

A német lakossági ingatlan piac specialitásaival és az itt mozgó tőzsdei cégekkel az Economist egy nem rég megjelent cikke szintén foglalkozik.